Clinical Trials
For further information on any study posted here, please utilize the specific contact information provided with the description of the actual study in which you are interested. As always, consult your physician to discuss the individual benefits and risks of each study prior to participating.
Michael J Fox
Opportunity to participate in research from home – anywhere in the US
Staying Connected through Communication Study
The University of Washington SPEAC Lab is inviting individuals who have Parkinson’s disease (PD) to answer survey questions about their communication experiences. Participants need to nominate at least one family member, friend, or coworker to also answer survey questions. Your participation will help healthcare providers support people with PD and the important people in their lives to stay connected through communication. This is an online survey study that will take about 30-45 minutes. We can also mail a paper survey. People with PD and their family / friends / coworkers will complete SEPARATE surveys, and data are not shared between participants. This study is open to anyone in the U.S.
Each participant will be mailed a $25 check upon survey completion.
To participate, click 'Begin Study': https://sites.uw.edu/speaclab/staying-connected-study/pd/
The person with PD needs to start first and then nominate their family member / friend /coworker to participate.
For questions, please contact: speaclab@uw.edu
We appreciate your time helping to shape future care for people with Parkinson’s disease and their loved ones.