General Legal Resources
APDA Article on Financial and Legal Issues
For Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts
The Estate Planning Council of Northern Nevada has a list of current members at: https://www.epcnnevada.org/members/directory#search/959/%20/%20/
Long Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Program
The Nevada State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) is authorized by the federal Older American’s Act. Federal law requires each state have a Long Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Program managed by a State Long Term Care Ombudsman. The program was initiated to improve the quality of care in America’s nursing homes. http://adsd.nv.gov/Programs/Seniors/LTCOmbudsman/LTCOmbudsProg/
Nevada Legal Services, Inc
We provide free legal assistance to eligible clients. We are a statewide, nonprofit public interest law firm funded by grants from the Legal Services Corporation, the Nevada Bar Foundation, and other state, federal, and private grants. Our practice is civil law and we do not handle criminal law cases. Eligibility usually depends on your income level. https://nevadalegalservices.org/
Nevada Law Help
We help people with their legal problems. We focus on protecting the rights of Nevadians. We offer advice on estate and advanced planning, elder abuse and neglect, and Medicare. https://nevadalawhelp.org/issues/seniors
Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center (NDALC)
The Nevada Disability Advocacy & Law Center (NDALC) is a private, statewide non-profit organization that serves as Nevada’s federally-mandated protection and advocacy system for human, legal, and service rights for individuals with disabilities. https://www.ndalc.org/
Northern Nevada Legal Aid
Empowering individuals, Supporting families, Strengthening communities. Adult Guardianship, Housing and consumer protection, Center for Seniors and The Law. www.nnlegalaid.org
Washoe Legal Services
We are a non-profit organization that provides free and low cost legal services to Northern Nevada. https://washoelegalservices.org/
Advance Directives
Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to clearly communicate your wishes with regard to end-of-life care decisions.
Typically, advance directives include:
Living Will: Specifies your wishes with regard to life-sustaining measures.
Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decision Making
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order: Indicates whether or not you would like healthcare professionals to provide CPR should your heart stop beating or if you stop breathing. Although frequently a component of advance directives, DNRs can exist without any other directives and not all advance directives include DNR
Davis Phinney Foundation has a step-by-step process for advanced directives at: https://davisphinneyfoundation.org/advance-directives-and-parkinsons/
To file your Advanced Directive with the Nevada Secretary of State, go to:
Adult Protective Services
Nevada 211, a program of the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, is committed to helping Nevadans connect with the services they need.
Crisis Support Services: Vulnerable Adult Abuse
Vulnerable adult abuse may include physical abuse, neglect, psychological or emotional abuse, financial exploitation, or self-neglect. To report vulnerable adult abuse or to get help, individuals can call Crisis Support Services of Nevada 24/7 with the number to the right. 775.440.6490 or https://cssnv.org/vulnerable-adult-abuse/